Friday, 20 May 2016

Bye Bye Tent...Hello Driveway Camping!

Ever since we bought the Cali we have been debating about whether we still need our tent or whether we want to sell it and fully commit to the camper.  Unfortunately drawing up a pro/con list wasn't working out too well for the tent as the only pro to keeping it was that it would give us more space on a longer holiday with the kids.  

It became more and more apparent that we were just hanging onto it for sentimental reasons.  After all, it was with the purchase of that tent that I learned to love camping and the great outdoors in general.

So, up it went on eBay and we also sold a whole bunch of other camping gear that we no longer needed and that was it.  Bye bye tent.  You gave us some great times but we are official addicted to our Cali now and hope to have some even better times ahead.

An enormous sense of relief washed over us knowing that we had finally made a decision and our tent camping era was behind us.  

Almost as an affirmation of this decision, a few days after we sold the tent we were contacted us by some friends asking if we had plans for that evening.  They had recently bought a new house in the countryside and did we want to come over, go out for a pub dinner and stay over?  

Having woken up in the morning to an "accident" on the kitchen floor from our puppy we were unsure about how well behaved she would be in this new house but no need to panic, we could stay in the Cali on their driveway.

Perfect, we had a smashing evening, the dogs were extremely well-behaved and we could have stayed in their house but we stayed in the Cali to be on the safe side...or is it because we are slightly addicted?

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